At CureValue, we provide extensive information about various destinations for medical care. Each country has its own requirements for US travelers, including visa requirements and passport validity. All countries require US citizens to hold a valid passport.
While visa requirements vary from country to country, CureValue has made it simple for Americans by listing the requirements prominently in facility selection filters as well as on the facility detail pages. This ensures that our users are well-informed about the necessary travel documentation.
Before traveling abroad for medical care, ensure that your passport is valid. You can obtain a new passport or renew your existing one through the US Postal Service (USPS).
Visa requirements vary by country. CureValue simplifies this process by listing visa requirements prominently in our facility selection filters and on facility detail pages. Additionally, you can check the specific visa requirements for the country you plan to visit for medical treatment using the following resources:
For specific visa information and assistance, visit the embassy or consulate website of the country you plan to visit. Here is a consolidated source for finding US embassy and consulate websites worldwide:
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please visit our Contact Us page.